Colored pencils, markers, and charcoal on papers

"Tea is Served" is a series of abstract drawings, twenty-five in total, mapping a fictional landscape of trauma, where a vague, yet indicative timeline of events was projected, for the viewer's perception and interpretation, as well as the artist's, to be inserted, gradually reshaping the context of that the main prompt: Tea is Served.
The series explores the unconscious mental experience of trauma, feelings of anger, confusion, loss, love, passion, and void.
These twenty-five drawings were installed and drawn on-site, in response to the artist's graduation project, titled “Tea is Served”, a mixed media installation, where the series served as an abstract background,  i.e., base, for the work to reside, and emerge. Consequently, it was titled after the name of the installation, as a whole.

These original drawings are exclusively available to acquire, by email at

Photo of all 25 drawings together, installed and drawn on site, June 12th, 2024
Tea is Served, 1-25, 2024
Tea is Served, 2-25, 2024
Tea is Served, 3-25, 2024
Tea is Served, 4-25, 2024
Tea is Served, 5-25, 2024
Tea is Served, 6-25, 2024
Tea is Served, 7-25, 2024
Tea is Served, 8-25, 2024
Tea is Served, 9-25, 2024
Tea is Served, 10-25, 2024
Tea is Served, 11-25, 2024
Tea is Served, 12-25, 2024
Tea is Served, 13-25, 2024
Tea is Served, 14-25, 2024
Tea is Served, 15-25, 2024
Tea is Served, 16-25, 2024
Tea is Served, 17-25, 2024
Tea is Served, 18-25, 2024
Tea is Served, 19-25, 2024
Tea is Served, 20-25, 2024
Tea is Served, 21-25, 2024
Tea is Served, 22-25, 2024
Tea is Served, 23-25, 2024
Tea is Served, 24-25, 2024
Tea is Served, 25-25, 2024
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